Lo-Juno was vengeful as usual which I love about her, and Jupiter was ever so unfaithful as he usually is. I like that they use people as toys in their game, it is so unlike the gods that people worship today. it gives more freedom to the story.
Phaethon and the Sun- I liked how the hours, and seasons and so on were literally spaced, giving a more visual representation of time and seasons.
Phaethon's ride- Stories like this make me angry. I am not a fan of people ignoring fair warnings.
The Death of Phaethon- I like that the planets take on more personification and seem to have feelings and thoughts. I really like that the earth is so motherly.
Callisto- I like that they use Jupiter and his wandering eye to start so many stories. He always uses a disguise to get the girls where he wants them.
Semele-I thought it was weird how the god Bacchus was born of his father's thigh, although I have read of another story I cant remember where something similar happened. I just really enjoy the freedom that these types of stories give the author.

Jupiter, and his lover
Ovid's Metamorphoses, translated by Tony Kline (2000)
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