Wednesday, August 23, 2017

My Time Strategies

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Time Management
I am a bit of an odd-ball when it comes to time management. I have never had a real tangible schedule, or a planner, or even set reminders in my phone, but I always get stuff done. It is hard for me to have a set schedule with varying bar-tending shifts each week, but somehow I find the time. So as for the schedule we did the beginning, that will not always work. I plan on doing the bulk of the work on Tuesdays, because I usually never work (Except for last night...), and Saturday/ Sunday mornings. I also may have time between classes on Mondays and Wednesdays. I plan on just filling this in whenever I find myself with a touch of free time. I honestly wish I had the mental drive to sit down and make a set schedule, because I would probably workout, but I don't really have the willpower to adhere to either at this juncture in my life. Sleep is too good.  
 I read The Important Habit of Just Starting, and I would say for me, just starting is the hardest part. I know I talk about not working-out a lot, but its honestly just getting to the gym for me that is the hardest part. So I understood what this article is saying. there is no better time than now, and really no other time than now if you think about it objectively. However, I don't feel that this applies to my work ethic. I have a great work ethic, but this could totally apply to my (non)workout ethic. 
I also read The Myth of Too Busy, which I really liked. it was all about prioritizing, which I feel like I am pretty good at, seeing as I'm almost completely done with the first week on a Wednesday. I also feel like I plan ahead fairly well. as soon as I get my schedule I see where my free time is and I try to use that to make mental notes of what I need to do. Again, this really only applies to school work. I have laundry to do, my car hasn't been washed in a month, and I really need to work on my resume and student loan situation...I stress, priorities. But, this article emphasized prioritizing and doing what needs to be done now as a priority. And for this moment, school is now. everything else can wait, although not for long!
So here's hoping that my continued methods of just simply getting stuff done keeps working out! if not, I always have those week one recommendations to look back on. 

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