Friday, August 25, 2017

Reading notes B on week 2

The Man in the Moon- I like the ending to this story. It seems familiar in a way, like I've read stories where the main character doesn't get what he wants right away or is taught a lesson and left to live with the consequences.
The Hare that was not Afraid to Die- This story I did not like as much. I felt like the language was a little too old in style. If i were to write something, I would definitely update the language. I am also not a fan of following multiple story lines in a shorter story.
The Eight-Forked Serpent of Koshi- This story really did remind me of a Greek tale, which I liked. While the language was older in style, it wasn't a distraction and I felt it added more to the story. I find the stories interesting where other worldly beings get to participate in mortal lives.
The Indian Who Wrestled with a Ghost - I liked the ghostly element of this story. I did notice that it was not a traditional spooky ghost story, but more of a teaching riddle. And the values were clearly Native American.
Pygmalion- I was a little confused by the line "art hides his art".  This story was honestly a touch creepy because it's a man who is in love and worships a statue, but the Greeks were a little creepy. I like the style in which Greek stories were told. This story has a clear beginning, middle and end which I liked.
The Tiger, The Brahman, and the Jackal- I liked that the tiger got what was coming to him in this story. The jackal was cleaver. and this story did a great job of making me feel sorry for the good hearted Brahman.
The Lions Share- I liked that this was short and sweet, and you still got the point that the lion was greedy.
Androcles and the Lion- The lion reminds me of a loyal dog, and I love that. This was an all around feel good story, and I feel like that's rear in these types of stories. I like the loyalty element in the story.
The Lion and the Statue- I like that the lion was clever in this story. He seemed wise, and the man seemed boastful and willing to believe what he wanted to in his superiority. I don't think I am capable of writing a story so short, and straight to the point, but I like that someone else wrote it.
 The Lion in Love- This story made me so sad! That poor lion. I do not like stories that make me feel this way. I would never write something like this. I could however add on to this to make it a happier story.
The Three Roses- This was definitely a less romantic version of beauty and the beast, and I happen to really love love. But, I enjoyed the fairytale aspect of this story. It didn't have a lot of back story, but the ending made it clear that the Basilisk was supposed to be a real boy all along.
Image result for story book
Story Book

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