Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Technology, not so much for me.

So, I must admit that I am just horrid at technology, especially using new technology. I'm more of a "turn it off, then turn it back on again" kind of gal. I don't know how to add people to snap chat, how to clean up space on my PC/iPhone, use Photo-shop, or any of the other things that I'm SURE will be useful in this class. Seriously, what is iCloud, and WHY is it telling me to buy more? Isn't the Internet infinite? I need someone to take me by the hand and tell me what to do, step by step. Adult supervision will be required.
I was exciting to see bookmarking, and google docs. on this list because those are things I am actually familiar with. Everything else listed, not so much, although I am getting used to the blog. I also already bookmarked the class calendar page, as recommended! I honestly think the best way for me to handle this huge influx of technology is to take it one assignment at a time.
As long as everything comes with instructions, I am hopeful that I wont get too bogged down in the technological matrix. Perhaps this will even force me to become more fluent and actually be able to participate in the year 2017 instead of being somewhere closer to 2010. Fingers crossed!
Image result for bad with technology
My actual phone, or what it should be

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